Thursday, April 23, 2020

The elderly- Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English, Inspirational Story, lesson

Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

The Eelderly
Elderly, a word that was once a sign of respect, today is becoming a conductor of sorrow, pain, suffering, humiliation.Elderly people, who have passed their past due to lack of time, are losing their present future in darkness.

Those who gave their children a home today get a shelter for themselves in the upper class, a small ashram in the middle / lower class house or a wooden plank in the outside verandah.
Old parents who knot their clothes and wear new clothes to the children themselves, they used to eat half their stomachs and feed them with full joy.

Today, the same children do big parties in false pride but they cannot feed their parents with love. Even the constant coughing sounds of parents who get upset even on the smash of children do not distract the children.Even the smallest tasks were not done without the approval of the elders, today the same elders are limited to writing the name on the bus card and sitting on one side in Utsavo.

The parents, who carried all kinds of problems on their kadho for the happiness of the children, today the same parents feel a burden to the children, the elders are obedient to those records.
Who himself provides coldness to others by meditating and is always ready to give

Sometimes the flower never even has any desire for itself in the form of wood in the last times.

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