Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What I Purchase ? | Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

A five-year-old boy went to visit his father in a Delhi supermarket. While shopping, he reached close to the toys section, seeing his colorful toys present, he was upset.

"Papa-papa ... I have to take this car ... please don't father", the boy said pulling Dad's hand.

Father believed his son very much and could not turn down his request.

"Okay son, you take this car!", The father said calling out to the son.

The child quickly picked up the car and started moving forward swinging happily. Now he must have gone a couple of steps that the son said, "Papa, I don't want this car ... I want that remote control helicopter!

"On hearing this, my father got angry and said, "We don't have much time, the market is going to close ... Take the toy quickly and go from here!

"The son kept the car and took the helicopter into his possession and started hugging it.

Papa grabbed the son's hand and started moving that son said loudly, "Wait, wait, father, look how dangerous that dinosaur looks ... Let me take that… Please Tell Me Papa… What should I do ... I will That that? "

Papa immediately took the son off his lap and said, "Go… quickly pick up a toy and go from here!"

For the next few moments, the son kept on running here and there and thought that he should? But he could not decide what he had to take?

Then the supermarket lights started going off and the customers were asked to exit. Papa was also angry, he took the son in his lap and got out. Poor son kept crying, he was thinking that he would have chosen a toy.

Friends, we are all like that boy and this world is a toy store, in which there are many types of toys… life gives you a lot of choices at different stage toys.

Sometimes you are given the option of choosing education, sometimes a job or business, sometimes a relationship, but unfortunately many people keep thinking that instead of taking a concrete decision, they should?
  • Should I study that?
  • Should I do that job?
  • Should I do this business?
  • Should I marry him?
And in this round, their prime time to do something goes out and later they have to repent like that child or choose a sub-standard option.

It is better to make a wrong decision than not to make any decision!Therefore, when it comes to taking important decisions in life, then indecisive opinion remained… Do not postpone your decision for a long time. Take a decision using your circumstances and best of knowledge and move forward in life.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How long will you continue to Neglect yourself - Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English, Inspirational Story, lesson

Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

It was a long time ago that there used to be a cobbler named Nanku in Rampur village. Due to lack of money, his companions had left this job, but Nanku used to repair people's shoes and slippers with great satisfaction. Due to being the only cobbler in many nearby villages, he has no shortage of work, people from far and wide reach to build their torn shoes and slippers. Nanku also earnestly gives time to his customers and gets his work done. But in the midst of all this he does not pay attention to his old shoes.

Time passed… Nanku kept on shining shoes all over the world and his own shoes kept getting worn out. Some people even used to intercept him for shoes, but he would always avoid saying that - First I will make the shoes of the customers and then I will make my own. While doing so, the shoes became so bad that now they started hurting his feet…. Due to lack of attention, a wound was also formed in the feet of Nanku. When people spoke something to him, he would say- Oh, it's just a minor injury ... it'll be fine, don't worry.

After a few months due to negligence, Nanku's feet became so bad that he started walking limp and limp ... People took him to the hospital after suffering unbearable pain. It turned out that a small wound which started Nanku months ago has now become a canker. The doctors had no choice, they had to cut one leg of Nanku from below the knee. Due to the trauma caused by this incident, Nanku never returned to his work and today due to that, the entire village was forced to wear old shoes and slippersFriends, are you able to identify this character? Is there anyone in your life who is behaving like a nanku… or is it a nanku somewhere?

Are you so busy taking care of your family, your business or anything else that you don't take care of yourself?

I have seen that mothers often do this, they take great care of their children… their families but do not care about their own food and health… they reach for every member of the household with hot milk but Do not drink milk myself.Friends, are you able to identify this character? Is there anyone in your life who is behaving like a nanku… or is it a nanku somewhere? Are you so busy taking care of your family, your business or anything else that you don't take care of yourself? I have seen that mothers often do this, they take great care of their children… their families but do not care about their own food and health… they reach for every member of the household with hot milk but do not drink milk themselves.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Small Step-Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English, Inspirational Story, lesson

Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

Small Step

Often we hear this and most people have such a feeling in their mind that what can we do for our society and country. If we fulfill the needs of ourselves and our family members then it will be a big deal! We will get answers to our questions from our surroundings only. Look at the skyscrapers around us, did they not get so much magnification in one, they also started with a small brick, period (millennium) from year to month from month to month. , Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, consist of seconds.

No matter how large the zodiac is, but the money is made only by the interlinking of the money, the world is also formed by combining mohalla, city, district, state, country. All such examples exist in front of us, from all these examples, it is concluded that only a small beginning gives a big result.

Even a small step taken in our right direction can play a big role in the upliftment of the country and society. It is not necessary to contribute to the development of society only by donating crores or lakhs. We can only do this according to our power.

For example, by donating pencils, pens, erasers, books, notebooks or other stationery to the poor disabled children in our neighborhood, we can contribute to their education and in our spare time we can help poor children who pay tuition fees. Are unable to. By teaching them, you can contribute their priceless contribution in nation building.
Because education is the path on which all kinds of problems can be tackled and education can liberate human beings from all kinds of bondage whether it is ethnicity, regional language or any other.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The elderly- Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English, Inspirational Story, lesson

Learn English, Mankind Stories In English, Short Stories, True Story In English, Lesson

The Eelderly
Elderly, a word that was once a sign of respect, today is becoming a conductor of sorrow, pain, suffering, humiliation.Elderly people, who have passed their past due to lack of time, are losing their present future in darkness.

Those who gave their children a home today get a shelter for themselves in the upper class, a small ashram in the middle / lower class house or a wooden plank in the outside verandah.
Old parents who knot their clothes and wear new clothes to the children themselves, they used to eat half their stomachs and feed them with full joy.

Today, the same children do big parties in false pride but they cannot feed their parents with love. Even the constant coughing sounds of parents who get upset even on the smash of children do not distract the children.Even the smallest tasks were not done without the approval of the elders, today the same elders are limited to writing the name on the bus card and sitting on one side in Utsavo.

The parents, who carried all kinds of problems on their kadho for the happiness of the children, today the same parents feel a burden to the children, the elders are obedient to those records.
Who himself provides coldness to others by meditating and is always ready to give

Sometimes the flower never even has any desire for itself in the form of wood in the last times.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Means To Win-Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Stories, True Story In English

Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Stories, True Story In English

A boy named Mohan lived in a village. His father was a minor laborer. One day Mohan's father took him with him to the city. He got the job of clearing a field in which a race competition was to be held. Mohan was very happy to see the ground. He also got fond of running that day. When these two villages returned, Mohan insisted to his father that a race competition should be organized in our village too. Mohan's father made this suggestion in front of the village headman. In a few days, preparations started for the competition and many children from all the nearby villages came to participate in the race. Mohan's grandfather was watching in peace. However the competition was very tough. But Mohan was determined that he had to win. As soon as the whistle sounded, all the participants started running towards the race line.

Mohan won the race by crossing the hot and stony path. The entire ground resonated with applause. Mohan's successive series of victories began. Mohan's grandfather was very sad to see this in his heart. One day Dadaji organized a special race for Mohan. Mohan happily came to the field in the name of race. Grandpa told him son, there are different ways to win in every race. Running thoughtfully. Mohan did not understand anything.
People from all the nearby villages had come to watch the race competition. Mohan noticed that there were only two participants in this competition. As usual, Mohan ran towards the race line as the city rang. He was about to reach the line that he saw that both the remaining contestants had not even started running yet. Mohan saw that one participant is lame and the other participant is blind. There was silence in the field.Mohan went back to his place and, holding the hands of the two contestants, slowly brought them along to the race line. The three contestants crossed the race line simultaneously. Seeing this, the entire ground was filled with applause. Mohan's grandfather said, today I am convinced that you are the real winner.
Moral Of The Story:
It is not necessary to win in every race of life

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Stupid Donkey-Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English

Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Stories, True Story In English

In the office where Vikas used to work, there were people who were very irritated with the good work of development. One day when Vikas was eating food. So he heard some whispers on the table behind him. There was a wooden wall in the middle of the table. Vikas started listening with ear. He heard that 2 people in his office are talking about the promotion. One of them said that whatever he does this time, he will not let him take promotion.

Another said, but why? The first said on this, the boss has said that by the next month, he will put Vikas out by making some excuse. Now a week has passed since Vikas started eating his food quickly. One day the boss called Vikas in his room and asked him: Vikas, nowadays the speed of your work has reduced slightly. Why is this? Is there anything special ?Vikas felt that what I had heard about himself was going to be true now. Vikas said, Sir, I know you want to remove me from the company. Hearing this development, Boss got very upset and he asked, who put this thing in your mind that the company wants to remove you. Vikas narrated the entire incident to his boss. Boss says, tell you a story.

A donkey lived in the forest and he was a very good friend of the lion. The lion used to eat an animal every day, but because the donkey was his friend, the lion never looked at him. The fox did not digest this. One day while the donkey was resting under a tree, foxes and rabbits went to talk behind the tree. Now the donkey is no more. The donkey started listening to them. The fox said, you know, why are donkeys still single? Because the lion eats whatever donkey comes in the forest. The donkey got very hurt by this.

The fox caused a rift between the donkey and the lion. One day when the lion went out on its prey, the donkey sat down and said, "I will not let you hunt. The lion explained it a lot but the donkey did not understand. Eventually the poor donkey became a lion's prey." The boss said with a laugh, Look, development, fox will be found everywhere, who will try to spoil your work, your relationship. You have to decide what you will do.

Moral Of The Story:

Do not blindly trust anyone's words. It is necessary to test it first

Monday, April 20, 2020

Wise man and Dates-Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Story, True Story In English

Mankind Stories In English, Learn English, Short Stories, True Story In English

"Wise man and dates are such a moral story that learns in life that if you obey the mind then you will have to be slavery for the whole life. How a Wise man explained his mind and how he subdued his mind is explained through this story."

Once a Wise man was passing through the market. On the way, a man was selling dates. The idea came in the mind of that Wise man that dates should be taken. He explained his mind and left from there. But the Wise man could not sleep all night. He was compelled to go to the forest and raised as large a bundle of wood as he could. That Wise man told his mind that if you have to eat dates, then you have to bear this burden. Wise man, walks a little distance, then falls, Then walks and falls. He did not have the courage to lift a bundle, but he lifted two heavy bundles of wood.

After completing the journey of two and a half miles, he reached the city and went to the forest to buy dates from the money he got by selling those wood. On seeing the date in front, the mind of the Wise man was very happy. Wise man bought dates with those money, but Mahatma said with his mind that today you have asked for dates, tomorrow someone else will do it.

Tomorrow, women will ask for good clothes and if the woman comes, then she will also have children. Then I will become your slave completely. A traveler was coming from the front. The Wise man summoned the traveler and gave all the dates to the man and saved himself from becoming a slave of the mind.

Moral Of The Story:
If you do not listen to the mind then you will take advantage of this life, if you listen to the mind, you will become a slave of the mind.